Lowering Your Property Tax Bill is Our Highest Priority
PAR has been lowering property taxes for commercial property owners and managers for more than 27 years.
Property taxes are an expense that must be actively managed or you risk paying more than you should.
Explore Recent Successes
Vacant Big Box – Florrisant MO
$7,602,100 to $3,376,400 (55.6% Reduction)
$155,400 in tax savings (this was a 2020 appeal)
Regional Shopping Mall – Kansas
$33,400,000 to $14,000,000 (58% Reduction)
$600,000 in tax savings
Beer Distribution Facility – Eastern Iowa
$8,905,100 to $5,900,000 (33.75% Reduction)
$313,000 in tax savings (two year appeal)
Vacant Commercial Land – Bridgeton, MO
$5,650,000 to $1,657,400 (70.6% Reduction)
$312,000 in tax savings (two year appeal)
Senior Living Independent Apartments – Chesterfield, MO
$4,878,300 to $1,550,000 (45% Reduction)
$121,000 in tax savings (2 year appeal)
Garden Apartment Complex – Hazelwood, MO
$10,968,300 to $5,430,000 (50% Reduction)
$197,000 in tax savings (two year appeal)